Dexter's Laboatory is a Hanna-Barberra cartoon exclusivly aired on the Cartoon Network for obvious reasons. It tells the adventures of Dexter, an 8 year old supergenius who built his own colussal all-encompassing labratory where he creates all sorts of devices and robots, as well as his gigantic computer 'Comp-Tor' and his Gundam-esque giant battle robot suit. Deedee, his 10 year old spastic sister frequently barges into his 'secret' laboratory and trashes the place, hassles him, and all sorts of fun like that. Older episodes also envolved the exploits of Monkey, his gamma-radiated lab monkey whom he believed to have failed to mutate, but becomes a superpowered simian when Agent HoneyDew or the Cornel call upon him to save the universe, and the wacky adventures of the Justice Friends League, a mix of old Marvel cartoons and the Justice League cartoons. It airs: Wednesdays at 8 and 11pm, Fridays at 9pm, Saturdays at 11:30am, and Sundays at 11:30pm |